Friday, January 28, 2011

ESPN NHL Front Page Grammar Fail

Went to ESPN NHL to see the results of the All-Star Draft and immediately noticed a grammar fail (I outlined it in red in case you're one of those people who often make this mistake) on the front page:

Mixing up "there" and "their" is a huge pet peeve of mine.  It's right up there with mixing up "your" and "you're".  I especially cannot stand it when a major news outlet makes the mistake.  Good job, ESPN.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

what is wrong?

Remember all that shit talking Kings fans did when the Kings were ruling the NHL (for maybe a day, whatever) and the Devils were sucking butt and Kovalchuk couldn't score even if he paid the goaltenders to let in the puck? Yeah, I remember, because I did it too!  Well...

funny pictures - KARMA
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While New Jersey isn't exactly a playoff contender, Kings fans aren't laughing much now. Sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiit....can the All-Star break start tomorrow??