I'm going to keep a running tally this season of things each network (Versus and Fox Sports) does so wrong that I can't help but be pissy. Each time one network ruins my night of hockey, the other network will record a tally in the win column. Basically, the more you suck the better the other network will look. Right now, Versus is on top because last night Fox Sports (West) tried once again to convince viewers that watching a hockey game on TV is SO MUCH BETTER with the rinkside view. Re:
Rinkside View
Dear Fox Sports,
Do you really think hockey has been incorrectly televised for decades?
Do you really think viewers at home only want to see a small portion of the play?
Do you realize how many times I missed a play because the
rinkside view was incapable of capturing a larger portion of the ice?
Do you really think viewers want to suffer from nausea due to the
rickety motion of the camera at
I understand that you
think viewers want to see the game from ice level since behind the glass tickets are so expensive. However, those tickets are severely overpriced because of the total in-house experience. The emotions that overcome you while sitting that close during a hockey game cannot be replicated at home with the
rinkside view. I absolutely hate watching a hockey game on TV from the
rinkside view. Fox Sports should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking that televising a game in this manner is a good idea.
Rinkside View Sucks.
Rinkside View is utter trash.
Rinkside View should never ever be used to televise a hockey game ever again.
Also, Fox Sports, you still suck at correctly lighting the game. It's a good thing last night's game was also on
HD because otherwise I would have given Versus 2 wins for the night.
Fox Sports, get your shit together and learn how to broadcast a game.