Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kings Win in Shootout

The home team has won every game in this series. After the Kings scored their second goal, Jim Fox said something along the lines of "of the last 17 shots Turco has faced at Staples Center, he's allowed 8 goals."
Here's the save of the afternoon (courtesy of YouTube):

Except for the second goal, LaBarbera looked really good in this game. He saw the puck well, didn't allow too many crazy rebounds like Turco, was square to the shooter, and was solid in the shootout. And, of course, my boy Patty O'Sullivan netted the winning shootout goal. Well done, boys.


Connie said...

Barbs definitely looked solid.

So with two American teams playing this game, you couldn't find a video in English?? haha, what language was that? It didn't sound like French...kind of sounded like Portuguese or something.

Marie said...

Barbs really did look solid. The first goal Blake and Stuart went to the same guy which left the Stars player wide open. And of course I shouted, "Dammit Stuart, you left him wide open!"

I tried embedding the highlights but had trouble getting it to work. The only clip on YouTube that I found was this one. I have no idea what language it is!! Maybe there are more today in English...

Kirsten said...

Last time I saw Turco play, he looked like an angry, flailing starfish. (No pun indended..really) It was pretty hiliarious.

Connie said...

haha, angry, flailing starfish. That's a great description.

Marie said...

angry, flailing starfish

Hahha, What!?

I don't know about the starfish part but he was definitely angry in this game.

Kirsten said...

Turco kept flopping down in front of his net and flailing around, and after the whistle blew, he looked like a starfish EVERY TIME. I have no idea why. Then he gave up three goals, got pulled, and went off to sulk, thus making him an angry, flailing starfish.

Connie said...

haha, god, that makes me happy.